Have You Heard of The Hearing Loss Association of America?
The Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) is a national non-profit organization. Its mission is to advocate for individuals with hearing loss and raise awareness for the importance of hearing health. Since hearing loss is an invisible condition, it can be difficult to find other people who struggle to hear and are open to sharing their stories and experiences. HLAA is also a great way for spouses, friends and family members to learn more about hearing loss and the challenges someone faces. Others may not realize how tiring it can be to listen in a noisy environment. HLAA provides support and educational resources for people with hearing loss. Since the pandemic, many chapter meetings and hearing-related support groups are available online. More information can be found at www.hearingloss.org
New Jersey has a state HLAA chapter which meets quarterly. Dr. Olson is on the Board of Trustees for HLAA-NJ and President of the Bergen County Chapter. The county and state chapters are made up of volunteers who implement a grassroots approach to helping and educating people about hearing loss. We often have guest speakers at our meetings and discuss different strategies and technologies you can use to improve hearing in difficult situations. For more information on New Jersey events please visit www.hearingloss-nj.org.
HLAA’s annual fundraiser is the Garden State Walk4 Hearing. This year’s Walk will be held on Sunday October 8th in West Windsor, NJ. Even if you are not able to participate in person there are many social media communities to connect with participants across the state. Donations are not required but are always appreciated.
Anyone can join HLAA for $45 a year and the benefits include receiving the quarterly magazine Hearing Life and access to online resources such as hearing-related webinars and forums.